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Zollverwaltung der DDR

Customs Administration of the DDR

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The Helmstedt–Marienburg Border Crossing -

Marienborn German Division Memorial Museum Guide

The Helmstedt–Marienburg border crossing (Grenzübergang Helmstedt-Marienborn) named Grenzübergangsstelle Marienborn (GÜSt) (border crossing Marienborn) by the German Democratic Republic, was the largest and most important border crossing on the Inner German border during the division of Germany.

For those that like paper work and flyers, here is the Zoll Marienborn German Division Memorial Museum guide and parking map flyer for Marienburg. I reproduced it and keep it with my Zoll uniform and customs stamps as an interest piece.

The second pdf flyer is in English for the “The Marienborn German Division Memorial” that exists at the site now.

The Zollverwaltung der DDR (customs administration of the DDR) was responsible for the state control of all goods, foreign exchange and money transactions under the Customs Act, the Foreign Exchange Law and the Financial Code. Its predecessor was the "Office of Customs and Control of Goods Movement (AZKW)", which was established on 28 August 1952. The Customs Administration was created in 1962 after the construction of the Wall and was under the Ministry of Foreign Trade until 3 October 1990.



The customs administration counted 9,510 employees, led by the chief inspector in the main administration Berlin-Grellstraße (Prenzlauer Berg).

It consisted of:


Main administration Berlin-Grellstraße

8 district administrations in district cities of the GDR: Rostock, Potsdam, Berlin, Frankfurt (Oder), Magdeburg, Erfurt, Leipzig and Dresden

61 border customs offices

15 inland customs offices

14 postal customs offices

20 customs investigation offices

Zollverwaltung der DDR training took place in the institute of the customs administration of the DDR "Heinrich Rau" (from 1965 to 31 December 1980 specialized school of the customs administration of the GDR) in Plessow. Head of this training institution were from 1972 to 1988 Dieter Rutsch and from 1988 to 1990 Horst Bischoff.


On 21 April 1950, the Act on the Protection of German Trade took over the control of the entire trade in goods and cash which crossed the inner-German border from the Office for the Control of Goods Traffic (NPP). On March 28, 1962, the Law on Customs of the German Democratic Republic (Customs Law) was issued.


The armed and appropriately trained forces of the customs administration were among the armed organs of the GDR.

On 21 April 1950, the Act on the Protection of German Trade took over the control of the entire trade in goods and cash which crossed the inner-German border from the Office for the Control of Goods Traffic (NPP). On March 28, 1962, the Law on Customs of the German Democratic Republic (Customs Law) was issued.


The armed and appropriately trained forces of the customs administration were among the armed organs of the GDR.

Customs Administration and MfS


The Customs Administration has been controlled as a body of the Ministry of Foreign Trade by the Department XVIII (HA XVIII) of the Ministry of State Security (MfS) through the leadership of unofficial staff members (IMs) in general and specialized officers (OibEs) in key positions.


At border crossing points (GÜSt), the customs administration staff worked closely with the Passport Control Unit (PKE) of the Main Administration VI of the MfS.

Absolventenabzeichen Institut der Zollverwaltung der DDR Heinrich Rau

(Graduate Badge Institute of the Customs Administration of the GDR Heinrich Rau)


On May 12, 1967, the Medal of Merit of the Customs Administration of the German Democratic Republic in gold, silver and bronze donated.


In 1972, the award Honored employee of the Customs Administration of the German Democratic Republic was donated, which was awarded annually up to ten times and was endowed with 5,000 marks.

Other Insignia

The emblem of the GDR Customs Administration - two snakes winding around a staff - is a representation of the caduceus.

Organization of NVA Uniform Collectors 

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