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by Torsten Belger


NVA dog tags - 

Identification tags for soldiers have been around since Antiquity with such ID’s being worn by soldiers from Sparta and by soldiers of the Roman Legions and they are not a modern invention. The term dog tag derives from modern ID tags looking similar to registration discs for dogs and other animals, both in Germany and elsewhere in the world. The German slang term for dog tags is Hundemarke, which literally translates to "dog tag".


The dog tags in the NVA were to be carried within the pouch of the Wehrdienstausweis (WDA) military ID document and only in wartime was it to be carried on a string around the soldier’s neck, but at no other time. A common misconception is that the WDA was carried in the Strichtarn breast bag (Brustbeutel in German), but it was always to be carried in the left breast pocket of whatever uniform was being worn, with the only exception being PE kit. Within the army, air force and the border guards the WDA was never to be carried within the Strichtarn breast pouch (see Fig 1). Only exception here was the navy (Volksmarine) who were permitted to use the breast pouch for carrying the WDA as the Kieler Hemd uniform did not have breast pockets. In all other branches the Strichtarn breast pouch was only to be used for carrying the SED membership book, but of course we did also misuse it for cigarettes, money and a couple of other items.


Fig 1 Strichtarn Breast Pouch​




Only information contained on it is the PKZ = Personenkennzahl. The PKZ is a unique ID number that every DDR citizen got at birth from 1970 on. The number is made up of the date of birth + sex (4 is male born after 1900) + 3 digit code for the place their birth was registered + single digit number for place in registry on that day + single digit additional code. The blood group is meant to be marked on the reverse side, but usually is not.


Figures 2 & 3 below show the front and reverse side of an NVA dog tag.


A list of codes for the different registry offices in the DDR can be found using the link below. Schönebeck/Elbe is 112 for example, which was part of my own PKZ.


Therefore, from the info provided on the dog tag I showed here, you can see that our man was born on 10th May 1941. That he was a male and that his birth was registered in Apolda.


My own personal PKZ was 061068411213 and with the information provided above then you should be able to work out a little information about me.

Torsten Belger (

Organization of NVA Uniform Collectors 

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